Online Registration Form

Please complete the registration form in order to register.
Firstly select your registration type.

Please type your ESPNIC Username and Password exactly as they appear on your membership account. (Note: username is often your email address.)

* ESPNIC members: In order to apply for this category, please ensure your membership is approved and fees are paid for 2023 before you start the registration process. Registration will not be confirmed otherwise. To become a member of ESPNIC please click here.

** Low and Low-Middle income countries: Defined according to the World Bank Country Classification of Low income and Lower - middle income economies.
Please click here to see the Country Classification data. 

*** Trainee (Student/Fellow):An official letter of the institution (PDF format), originally stamped and signed by the head of the department confirming this status must be uploaded during the registration process.

**** Nurse, AHP: A copy of your Nurse, AHP ID must be uploaded during the registration process.