Online Registration Form

Please complete the registration form in order to register.
Please select your registration type.

Please type your login Email address and Member password exactly as they appear on your membership account.

* The country group is based upon the official classification of the World Bank and refers to your work and correspondence address:

  • Group A – High Income Countries
  • Group B – Upper-middle-income countries
  • Group C – Lower-middle-income countries
  • Group D – Low income countries

Cli​ck here to see the Country Classification data. 

** Postgraduate trainees in psychiatry and psychology– Can take advantage of a reduced fee. Provide a copy of certificate of registration of their training program or a confirmation of the medical service providing training, together with the registration.

*** Local & International Students of medicine, psychology & social work– Can take advantage of a reduced fee. Provide a copy of their student ID together with the registration.