Please complete the registration form in order to register.
First, please select your registration category.
Please note, if you are presenting an abstract at EPA Virtual 2021, please register with the exact same title, first name/last name (including any character accents) and email address that was used during abstract submission.
This will ensure that your selected abstract will be correctly published in the abstract book.
Dear EPA Virtual 2021 participant,
Thank you for your registration for the EPA Virtual 2021 Congress.
According to the membership details provided by the EPA, you currently do not appear as an active EPA 2021 member. May we kindly request that you contact the registration team at: to check your status, or alternatively register as a non-member via the online registration link.
Thank you for your cooperation.
EPA Virtual 2021 Registration Department
SAVE BY BECOMING *EPA Member category eligibility will take effect only after the EPA membership application and payment have been received. For assistance please contact |